Art Galleries

Exhibit Management

Easily manage all your exhibits in one spot. Track all your exhibit sales and the payouts owed to each artist. No more manual calculations.

Have more than one exhibit? No problem, Ciniki supports multiple exhibits in multiple locations.

Reporting & Payouts

We understand your inventory can include anything from cards to full sized paintings and commissions vary. With Ciniki each item can have it's own commission rate.

Payouts for each exhibit are organised by artist. You can easily download a printable PDF report displaying the items sold and provide to each artist for payout.

Online Proposals & Jurying

Artists can submit their exhibit proposals online, including sample work and biographies. With the click of a button, a proposal can be turned into an exhibit and displayed on your website.

Whether it's an exhibit or show selecting the artists can be an onerous process. With Ciniki we streamline it with online jurying for artist selection.

With everything in one place, decision making is easier and save time not managing email photo submissions.

Integrated Website & Online Gallery

No more management system and separate website, have it all in one easy to use system.

Add a new exhibit and it's automatically on your website plus updating content and photos is super easy.

We custom design your website to match your brand, and include an easy to use management system.

With both a shop and off-site exhibiting artists that sell their work we rely on Ciniki for everything from jurying to inventory to payment processing and calculating commissions. The time Ciniki saves me, and my team is incredible.

Sarah O'Donnell - Communications Coordinator, South Simcoe Arts Council


Ciniki provides direct access to the developer.

Is there anything more frustrating than trying to make a change, not being able to figure it out and you can't reach anyone to answer your question.

There is nobody in the middle, support is provided by Andrew Rivett, the developer of the system. He uses Zoom to provide hands on support with shared screen and is available to walk you through any problems.

Andrew is available by email or phone, and his response time is within hours so questions can be quickly answered.

Anybody from your organisation may contact Andrew, it is not limited to only 1 person.

Finally an easy to use solution that saves you time and frustration.


Ciniki for Art Galleries is $75/month and includes a 60 day free trial. No contacts, quit any time.

The setup fee of $1500 includes 2 hours of online training via Zoom and a custom website theme.

If you are a small gallery, please contact us about our small gallery discounts.

Virtual Demo

The best way to understand what the capabilities of Ciniki are and if it will meet your needs is to get a demo. I offer free demo's via Zoom sharing my screen and showing you how the system works.

Contact me below to setup your demo.