Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.
These are words I live by.

I Believe ....

I Believe ....

we were put on this planet to create. Just as you create art and support the arts I code. For me coding is art. Developing an elegant system that is easy to use is my passion. I have taken what I learned in my career as a programmer and developed Ciniki, a turnkey solution for artists and art organizations. I continue to add modules as the market and needs change so my system continues to evolve and grow. I value relationships and have worked with many clients for 10 plus years.

All work and no play ...

All work and no play ...

is not for me (although me and my team have been known to burn the midnight oil to meet a tight deadline). As a newish father, my son Edward is now a toddler, I enjoy family time in nature hiking and hanging out. We love road trips and dream of taking the show on the road literally travelling across North America while taking care of clients. The silver lining of COVID is it has shown us we can work from anywhere and still stay connected.